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Assistive Technology Expert Witness Services


We provide expert witness services in the UK and Ireland. The hiring of an assistive technology expert witness could be considered a critical aspect for your client's case involving personal injury or medical negligence. We have over twelve years experience in assistive technology assessment report writing and have a track record of enabling clients successfully fulfil their goals with assistive technology interventions. We ensure the assistive technology assessment will outline a budget for the most suitable and up-to-date technology for the client’s lifetime needs. Our assistive technology reports are for clients of all ages and we have dealt with a wide range of disabilities which would include learning, physical impairment, hearing impairment and acquired brain injuries.

Why Choose Us

➤ Fully accredited as Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) with the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) which is one of the world’s leading assistive technology professional bodies.

➤ The assistive technology needs assessment reports are aligned with RESNA best practice.

➤ Working full-time in assistive technology for the past 12 years.

➤ Over twelve years experience in the composition of hundreds of assistive technology needs assessments for both children and adults.

➤ Swift turnaround time with reports completed usually within three weeks. Training and follow-up can also be considered additionally.

The Process

➤ We will meet with your client to establish assistive technology interventions that may help them achieve their goals.

➤ We will compose a report outlining the assistive technology interventions for the client. This will also incorporate the costs of the assistive technology interventions.

➤ The whole process is usually completed within three weeks from the initial client assessment.

➤ In addition, we can also undertake assistive technology training and follow-up with the client, if requested.

For further information, please contact us:


From Ireland 0873744800

From UK: 00353873744800



A sample list of our clients:

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